What isolation feet under your amp with great result?

I'm looking for more cleaner, micro inner details. Not tone control or dynamic.
Amp is 82-lb. TIA
I have only used one isolation vibration product and that’s the EVP’s. I used these under my speakers. I placed them under the speakers for about a week a just let the music play. I then set aside several hours where I played music I was very family with and would play the music w the EVP’s then remove them and play the music over again. The EVP’s definitely have a positive affect on the sound. When I removed them it sounded as if the life was sucked out of the music. With them the music sounded cleaner(more transparency), more dynamic, just overall more musical. I still would like to experiment with more isolation systems bf making a purchase, EVP’s made me a believer that concept of controlling vibration and its affect on the music isn’t just selling snake oil.
The EVPs by A/V RoomService Ltd. seem to have a strong following by those seeking a decoupling alternative.  The primary isolation appears to come from an "air spring" resulting from Owens Corning 703 or 705 one-inch thick rigid fiberglass board, which is then faced with #4 brushed Stainless Steel sheet and either felt or rubber.   I have considered making these and believe you could probably get most of the way there by simply installing the board.  I would also be curious to try using the board to make equipment platforms but since I already have platforms and am using springs under my speakers I have not yet been motivated enough to spend the time to make the stuff.