Network Switches

@treebeard1   Yes, the satellite will have at least one, usually more LAN ports.

If you go with this approach, consider brands/models which have larger "open" space access for the LAN and DC power cables. It will allow for easier cable connections, especially if the cables are thicker / stiffer. It will also allow for the satellite unit to stand properly "upright."
I'll probably go with Google.  $150 for three at the moment.  I've seen worse.
great thread, recent posts are an incredible sourcebook for improvement investment…..
I have had an Orbi mesh system for a couple of years now.
Although I run fiber from my main router to my main system and that works great, I operate my garage/outdoor system through one of the mesh satellites as described by @david_ten below with a 0.5M CAT8 cable from the Orbi satellite to a Metrum Baby Ambre then Jade DAC and it too sounds great with no issues (drop outs, etc.) whatsoever.  I use the stock power supply on the satellite with no perceptible detriment to SQ but I do use LPSs on both fiber converters associated with my main system.
Recently added network switch, has imposed sound signature. I received expected benefit of lower noise floor, more detail, resolution, transparency, didn't expect so much or any impact on the quality of sound. Just a bit less natural sound than prior, like a layer of electronic scrim added, quieter, yes, but like a haze added. I've improved other network equipment and cables in past, don't recall this much impact on sound signature.
So, in your experience, have network upgrades affected sound signature? I'm burning in network switch, new ethernet cable as we speak, eliminate this as culprit. I'm also going to try various power cables.