Different subwoofer settings for different albums?

So a dealer I know told me that he doesn’t use subwoofers and doesn’t know anyone who does (!) because he finds that every record has different levels of bass and would require a new subwoofer crossover point to properly blend with the main speakers.  Anyone else have this experience?
It's called 'Level Matching' (subs to mains).
All you need is a SPL Meter and external 'Test Tones'.
From what I've gathered based on the various subwoofer threads here at a'gon, seems it would be too complicated for the majority of members to invest the time to do it right - oh well...
@hilde45 -- look this was a private conversation with this dealer and I didn't provide him any indication I would be broadcasting any of his personal opinions by name on a public forum so I just feel weird about doing so.  PM me if you want more info privately.
I guess your dealer thinks that you like to play Record Producer instead of listening to an album as intended. 
It can be a problem in some situations and recordings but usually you can find a setting for your subwoofer that works for almost all of your music.
@redwoodaudio  No need to PM. The fact that it was a private conversation definitely means that it should not be broadcast.

My only point was that as an expert, indeed a professional who makes money based on this expertise, his advice should be able to stand the scrutiny of others. He's telling you something privately that is easily contradicted both by customers with experience and by many other experts. If he's willing to make money from you by telling you these things, he should be more than willing to listen to and respond to counterarguments.

But, again, I agree that being unexpectedly broadcast to a forum is not quite fair pool.

If it were me, I might say something like, "I have been discussing the idea of no-subs in a variety of places, and there's a fair amount of push-back from amateurs and professionals alike that subs can be quite a healthy part of a system" and see what he says.

All in all, if this was me, I think he's "outed" himself as much less of an expert than one might have thought, and while he can continue to be the functionary who takes a cut in the sequence from producer to consumer, he'd be on the way for me as someone to get advice from.