And, we keep on searching for speakers, ..

But what? We all want accuracy, staging ....and there it seems to go. So, where are we in this race. I truly do not hear good calls on what anyone thinks truly great soundstaging is. Is someone out there able to makes the Word Soundstaging put into words.

I keep asking, and while we are on this word. What is you room and speakers like? What actually works for you?? Your words may be coming to you in an audio journal?

Yeah, Newbee nailed it. Rather than asking people how to describe soundstaging you'd probably be better served by going out and listening to some good recordings on good equipment in a well-treated room. Once you hear excellent soundstaging you'll know it, and you'll no longer need to know or care about how people describe it.
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How do you describe the taste of milk to someone? It is what you think it is and that's all that it is. Damn, did I really just write that?