Different subwoofer settings for different albums?

So a dealer I know told me that he doesn’t use subwoofers and doesn’t know anyone who does (!) because he finds that every record has different levels of bass and would require a new subwoofer crossover point to properly blend with the main speakers.  Anyone else have this experience?
I agree with the others here.  Going to bass limited main speakers (down to about 40Hz) and adding two subs was a major improvement to the sound of my system.  Two subs was a significant improvement over one and the only other major improvement I would consider at this time would be to add a third (or fourth) sub.  Fortunately, my subs can be adjusted by remote volume control so I have their level and phase set up for 80+ percent of the recordings I listen to but have the ability to easily adjust volume if necessary for certain recordings or if I am playing my system at a lower or higher volume level than typical.
@whart , Yes, a big subwoofer system for movies is a riot. I got my new laser projector calibrated professionally last week and the tech wanted to see a Blu Ray movie when he was finished. I just happened to grab Star Wars. The beginning of the movie is very quiet until you get to the fighting scene in the rebel starship. When the shooting started he was really startled. I had a great laugh. 

I agree whole heartedly with what you are saying. I would like to make just a few additions. Analog equalizers are difficult, even the Cello. They are very capable of making an image that was very life like, very two dimensional. This is not the case with digital equalization which can be use to improve the image and get a system to sound exactly the way you like. Done at high bit rates digital EQ is invisible as you noticed with Steven Wilson's remixes. This tech is available for home use. 
Subwoofers add greatly to the realism of most performances. When Stanley Clark thumps his bass there is a very low frequency transient that systems without adequate low end gloss over. Transients like these are common with many instruments and percussion. When they are present it adds greatly to the sense of "being there." 
Some of us want to stay pure analog I guess because it is tradition and very nostalgic and I understand that. But, there is so much you can do in the digital world that is virtually impossible on the analog side. The benefits can be simply amazing and IMHO outweigh the problems.

Nice system whart. I'd love to hear it some day. 
I use 2 RELs and adjusted them with test tones to match the main speakers...the tests tones really were a starting point to let me know where the main speakers drop off and my trusty ears do the rest of the evaluation. I did put "chicken head" knobs of both subs to more easily adjust the levels, but some recordings demand a little nudge in the bass...in either direction...I also have a Schiit Loki which I rarely employ (it's transparent when switched in or out of the system) but I'm glad it's there when I seem to need it...highly recommended.
I wish I had room for a couple of large subs.  I'm anxious to get started again with one, though.  My main speakers go down flat or so to 40hz, and I really feel there could be more "there" there on most tracks.  A recent NYC trip to some jazz clubs help convince me of that!
@erik_squires ....good eq, great source, happy with all the other parts involved, Yes.

Gain riding not required.  Sit. Stay. Listen. 😎

....but, every now & again....y'just Gotta'. ;)