Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?

I want to upgrade my digital side … (currently Bluesound Vault 2i feeding the DAC of Oppo 105) … plan to spend around $2k … since I’ve ripped all my CDs to the Vault, thinking of spending it all on a DAC, and retire/sell the Oppo while it still has some value. I do have a few older CDPs I could retain as backup, but not sure why I would ever need.

Alternatively, was considering a better combined CDP/DAC like a newer Marantz or Yamaha … upgrades DAC performance some, and a reliable spinner for quite a few more years … but I have very few SACDs, so feeling like this would be the tail wagging the dog.

In what direction have you been migrating?
Facten you are misinformed all you need is a good roon core and an endpoint

If you have a server designed to minimize noise that server can function as a core and endpoint

Therfore all you need is a good switch a high end usb and ethernet cable and our server

Our 432evohttps://432evo.be/

has beaten all the usual suspects bluesound innous lumin and roon we sell most of those and the difference is audibile a better server creates a more analog like presentation with a more engaging sound with a biger sound stage

Check them out

Dave and Troy
Okay according to you I'm misinformed; you never respond to a thread without hawking something you sell
I ripped all my CD's to a Bluesound Vault and never use my CD player now. I have several backups just in case and run it through an outboard DAC now, which did improve the sound. I have once in a while though about buying a newer CD player, but can't seem to find a good reason. And now I don't have shelves filled with CD's. More room for books....
@deadhead1000 exactly what I am doing now and planning, although still have the CDs and probably have a harder time parting with them (though I should). For all practical purposes the Vault IS the CDP, and don’t think an upper level CDP’s DAC will be as good as ripped and fed back to a stand-alone DAC at same price point.
We dinosaurs find it hard to break old habits 😁

2748 CD’s ripped to the Naim Unitiserve. NAS drives with mirrored raid and a backup to another NAS…. Aesthetix Pandora Signature DAC…

i have nice cd players gathering dust…