DAC-AH - upgrade to Audio Mirror?

I'm using a DAC-AH with a Squeezebox (Placette pre, TAD-60 & Gallo 3s). It has a smooth, non-grainy sound but it seems congested and rhythmically blunt. I was wondering if the Audio Mirror DAC would be much of an upgrade, considering (if I'm not mistaken) that they share the same circuit board. (I have a Cary 306/200 but I don't expect the Audio Mirror to better the internal DAC -but one never knows)

I have an Audio Mirror D1 DAC that I felt in stock form was fantastic and have since had it modified by TRL with exceptional results. You can read my review on it in the review section as I was able to do a A/B comparison between the modded and an extra stock version I had.
Have had a DAC-AH and a Audio Mirror D-1. Almost the same. The Audio Mirror, using a different output cap, merely sounded warmer. If warmth is what you need, it is good.

Thanks for your comments. More warmth is not what I'm looking for. I was hoping for more airness and less bluntness/congestion. The DAC-AH is a very nice sounding pre for its price. It does alot of what I was hoping it would do (reduce grain, tame brightness and thinness of Squeezebox).


How did you determine conclusively that it is your DAC-AH that is at fault (for the bluntness & lack of rhythm)?
I guess I don't know conclusively. In fact, I've thought that it could be the pc/squeezebox combination. I just know that the Cary cdp doesn't have the same sonic qualities in my system. I was thinking that by replacing the DAC I could come closer to finding out the culprit. This is my first foray into pc audio and with some of the claims people make about it, I was perhaps expecting too much. I'm not sure it's worth upgrading too far, since probably in the short run I'll primarily use the squeezebox for mp3 music and stick with the cdp for redbook recordings.

Thanks to all.