Could The Music Room biz model be duplicated? A second TMR?

TMR has a great thing going; professionally tested, well-photographed, researched, guaranteed trial and good shipping policies. They have a partner (somehow) with PS Audio's trade in program. It's a huge success and had lead to many happy customers and a lot of in-home trials.

My question is: Could someone else pull this off? Are we destined to have just one TMR in the country?

I think about a company, say, like Parasound. Lots of sales, very professional business, worldwide sales. What if they started a trade in business like PS Audio and had a companion business like TMR.

Could our country use a second TMR? Wouldn't that be awesome?

Or maybe TMR could expand and have a second location -- say, in California, near lots of shipping ports.

Just thinking aloud here.
Of course someone could open a version of their own, but is it needed. TMR is doing a good job with model they have. So far they seem to be doing business in a positive light as I really don’t see many negative comments about them. They are expanding their facility and have been taking on new product lines which gives the opportunity to trade in as well in addition to just selling your gear.
But yes, someone could try to start on their own, but would the audio market support 2 identical businesses. In my life I have seen Montgomery Ward succumb to Sears and now Sears is all but gone. WalMart and Amazon have hurt that market, so I would guess that 2 TMR business would shorten the life of both.
Having doing business a couple of times with TMR, they seem to have a very good business model. It would take a good amount of capital and a dedicated, intelligent staff to duplicate their success. IMHO.
You should check out Echo Audio. Much smaller, but a similar business model. Lots of great used gear at prices that are hard to beat and great ethics. They have talked me out of buying something I was interested in more than once.