Air Tight ATM-300R or Shindo Cortese 300B


First of all, the english is not my native language. Sorry if I don't make myself understood correctly.

Here in audiogon found a lot of trends with ATM-300R x Cortese 300b, but almost all of them end up deviating to other suggestions or there is no continuity.

My preamp is the Luxman CL38uC and the speaker is an DIY with horn and 98 db and 8 ohms. My listening dedicated space is smal (15' x 10') and I love jazz.

I this context, Air Tight or Shindo?

Comments are welcome!

I even considered the F2a version of Cortese. In the end, I surrendered to my passion for 300b.

And, nowadays, we have many options, both in terms of quality and price, for the 300b.

Taking advantage of Ken Shindo’s passion for wines, I can say that nowadays, for 300b, we can almost be true "sommeliers", taking advantage of each 300b for its "flavour", "texture", "taste" and "harvest".

Sorry for the weak "poetic license"... lol...

Perhaps slightly off topic and maybe I need to start a different thread but let me pose a quick question on the F2A.   Originally the Cortese F2a was a single 6aw8a tube per F2a tube, and went through an evolutionary change years  later to dual tubes per f2a tube and a few circuit updates. The current model, uses a tube rectifier on top of the chassis and different input/driver tubes altogether and was designed by Takashi Shindo.

Can anyone provide listening impressions between the current and immediately prior version of the F2A amp?  Shindo moved the retail price up by $2,500 during the last version.     
The more I contemplate your comments in this thread,  I believe that the Shindo 300b is the right choice for you in the long run. You are a music lover who loves jazz. That wonderful  genre I suspect would sound  fabulous via the Shindo driving your horn speakers.  Just a hunch 😊.


So far I think Shindo is leading this "informal poll"... lol...

Air tight 300r felt too laid-back for my taste. Lacking excitement and fire within. 

Audio Note UK sounded too much of their own house sound. A bit warm and slow. 

Wavac, Border Patrol & Shindo are very good