Best Integrated Amp for Thiel CS 2.4 Speakers

I bought a pair of speakers 15 years ago and the Accurus DIA 100 amp I had started popping (and wasn't that great anyway).  I put the whole thing in storage. Now I want to buy a new (or demo) integrated amp.  I am not opposed to pre-amp but that makes it that much more challenging.  I am willing to spend about $4K plus cables.  I listen to the usual - 70's rock, lots of instrumental, trip hop.  I do need solid low  bass.  I barely used the speakers, I don't want to sell them.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

Sound advice as above. Feel free to join Us over on the Thiel Owners thread. You will find several CS 2.4 fans and owners on The Panel.
I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes and system building.

Happy Listening!
You’ll need amplification capable of a minimum of 400 Watts per channel into 2 Ohms, and depending on room size and desired volume levels, you’ll probably be better of with at least double that. Slim pickings when it comes to intergrateds with such capabilities.
Perhaps you can find an older Gryphon Diablo (the original one, not the 300).
I haven't heard it but the Technics SUG-700 integrated (based on GaN tech) might be awesome and for a lot less than your budget