Recommendation for Class-A integrated amp

I am looking for a SS Class-A integrated amp that is in 20 to 40W range, the short list I have so far are:

Sugden A21SE
Pass INT25
Luxman L-590AXII

Are there more you would recommend to check into?

TIA for any inputs.
Not easy to find these days but you could also consider a Kelvin Lab The Integrated.  I'd love to get my hands on one!
Take a close look at Stereophile’s measurements for the Pass:

At lower impedance (4ohms) distortion rises with higher frequencies. Something to consider.
You should not worried about
cOdas resale the brand is gaining a huge following and the fact that thete are next to 0 being sold used means their scarcity will keep the resale high and make selling a used one easy


audio Intellect Nj
These are all solid choices.  Regarding the Sudden $500 increase, don't know if it's justified or not, but my math is you will probably own a piece like that for 10 years.  $500/10 years is $50 per year for what you may want.

My philosophy.  Best of luck finding that dream integrated.
OP: All three contenders on your list are excellent amplifiers in their own right. I'm surprised that one particular dealer here is making a bold proclamation that Coda is better than Luxman without any supporting data. The truth is that at this price point, it's not about which one is better in general, BUT which one is a better fit for your preferences, speakers, and room. IMHO, it's silly for people to objectively state that one is better than others.

BTW, you should also include Ayre in your list.