Daily Record cleaning

     Im in the process of getting a record cleaning machine, but what are you using daily to clean them, deal with static ect ect Thanx
thanx for the great replys
I gave up on vinyl when Shure offered the Shure V15 w/ The Shure CD player maybe model 5000, i bought Donald Fagan The Night Fly, first CD. The cartridge got mounted and sold with my Thorens TD165 back in 1985ish
Yes. Hunt is a company. They make a brush called the EDA mk.6. One of the best record brushes on the market. $30. 
I don't. I have a VPI HW16 beside the table and for a long time would do a distilled water rinse and vacuum before each side. What a hassle.

So now I clean once, real good with Walker Enzyme 4 Step. Zero-stat (and sometimes also Radio Shack Bulk Tape Eraser) before each play. Also spray Static Guard, though that is more for sound quality than dust. But it nothing wrong with a 2fer.

Always wash my hands first so if I see a speck and it doesn't blow off with the Z then either get it with a finger or if there's a few of em then the good ol' Discwasher brush. But that doesn't happen often.

Normally I just play em. 

My opinion, people are way too obsessed. Get a little perspective. Vinyl ain't digital. The noise is extraneous, not interwoven. Two completely different things. Don't try and put legs on a snake. Clean em, sure. But to enjoy. Don't make it an end in itself.
Having run some of the best clean rooms in Aerospace, let me assure you they come from the factory dirty. Get a decent process, wet vac machine or better.

then you can decide on a periodic re-clean interval