Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.

Your kidding, and let "snake oil" and "voodoo" companies flourish, with posts from shillers for those same companies here on Audiogon??? NOT LIKELY!!!!!!! No matter how nice you ask, and it was nice!!

There are plenty of the correct forums for them and you to visit



To those "non technical" (like yourself) members that are interested, do not listen to fusers, listen to the techs of this industry that design the audio products you have.
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.
As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK
(even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

George you were asked nice. VERY nice as a mater of fact by the OP. Be a gentleman and move on. ONCE was enough a second or third is not OK. After that it’s beyond turning the other cheek. OR I suppose ALL your post can be removed.. It’s strictly your call..

You’re NOT welcome to add your adjectives or adverbs to ANYONE on the forums as you do.. It’s gone on long enough.. QUIT interfering with OTHER people’s sales. It’s as simple as that.

STOP! YOU’RE costing other people money, now I’m complaining about YOUR behavior, NOT what your selling..
Your behavior, it’s just not welcome.. By your own admission, you told a customer you installed an aftermarket fuse and you did NOT.. HOOEY George.. You’ve cost people money.. I think it’s time to send you the BILL, GEORGE.


1. I’ve seen Slow Blow fuses/circuit breaker on the AC into to power supply (4. - 15. amp)

2. A Fast Blow on the bias circuit (.5 - 2. amp) of a valve amp for valve/circuit protection.

3. 2. - 4. amp Fast Blow on a + rail in a SS amp or the filament side of a valve amp.

Number 1 is fire protection. Period. That is the reason for the fuse on the AC line into the PS, it stop over current and fires. It’s normally a Slow Blow for filter cap charge. I don’t care what it’s plugged into it protect whatever it’s plugged into, NOT the other way around..

Number 2 and 3 are valve and circuit protection for the "piece" of gear, normally a fast blow and a lower value .5 - 3. amp fuse or so. THIS is to protect GEAR always after the units Power Supply..

A Cary V12r has 3 types of protection 1 for fire protection AC in. S.B.
1 for the tube filament transformer. F.B.
2 for left/right (bias) output valve protection. F.B.

They have protection inside the transformers too. I’ve taken a few apart, just most people don’t know how to fix a plate transformer or take it apart for that matter.. As long as you can work around the potting if it has it.. If it not potted it’s easy to look and fix if you know how to hunt up the short.. Sniff and visual test goes a long ways..

The last thing you want to do with a touchy topic like this is post a couple hundred words of poorly translated word salad. Because even with perfectly pristine prose such as mine haters still find ways of twisting it to fit their predetermined narrative. With poorly processed Goolag translated word salad they can have a field day. And nothing you can say to stop them because the truth is that whole thing says next to nothing anyway. I only hit a few points. The whole thing is garbage.

I'm sorry people understand electricity so poorly they don't even know what a fuse is, or does, or why. Have yet to see the part of electricity they do understand. "Lethal voltage!" is about the extent of it. Not that it matters. Don't need to understand a thing, except that you put one of these fuses in and you better be prepared to have your mind blown. 

Say whatever you want. These things work.
@oldhvy - George doesn’t believe in streaming either… just let the guy fade out into obsolescence on his own terms, right before our very eyes…
Well it's pretty simple. Fuse sellers and or what ever else is sold it is NOT ok for George to slam a product. He doesn't even use aftermarket fuses. If he would say "clean, inspect, and replace old fuses with what the manufacture recommends", and STOP it would be fine.

BUT he goes on to call names and infer someone is being FORCED to purchase something that is somehow HIS business.. That's the real problem.. It's not his GD business. BUT he's costing other people MONEY.

Their prices were already WAY to high, you don't have to buy it. I DON'T

BUT to actively tell people NOT to BUY someone else's product..

GOOD BY George.. Enough is enough.. At least they were gouging and YOU or who EVER knew it.. He acts like it's HIS business to ruin other peoples business..