Please recommend a powerful tube amplifier


I have Audio Research 250SE (~200 watts) monoblocks and my new speakers are Wilson Audio Sasha DAWs. I like the "ARC tube amplifiers to Wilson Sasha speakers" sound and the power is important. Please help me - what about Doshi Audio monoblocks, other Audio Research tube amplifiers, VAC, VTL, Balanced Audio Technology, Jadis, McIntosh, etcetera? All relevant recommendations are most welcome.
  • I am not interested in solid state power amplifiers;
  • I am interested in monoblocks;
  • I would like a minimum of >140 watts per monoblock (or channel for single chasis) to drive the Wilson Sasha DAW speakers.
Thank you in advance!
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If you really need to scratch that itch there is a Convergent Audio Technology C.A.T. JL-2 for sale here on Agon. $11950. Single-chassis with 8 KT120's per side for 200 wpc! Designed by Ken Stevens. I'd take it any day over any ARC or other five-figure tube amp!
You say you like ARC and Wilson.  What is the issue?  There are a bunch of products on the market that are wonderful.  Do you want a warmer sound?  Better bass control?  What is the issue that is creating the desire to move away from ARC?  
Clearly you wouldn’t be looking around if you were in love with the sound. What is it that’s missing? My desire to look around disappears when I am happy with my system. You have a world class high powered amp known for detail, nuance, and raw power. What is missing? 
ARC REF160Ms or REF160S would fit the bill, but not sure how much of a step up they would be.

Also, I suspect many manufacturers will be upgrading or releasing new amps due to the availability of the new KT170 tubes (assuming they are available, lol)