What’s the best tube for a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 preamp

Hello all,
I just acquired a SF SFL-1 preamp. What’s the sweetest tube any of you SF fans have used in this preamp?
I think I'm going to order a Gold Lion 12AT7, but it looks like there are a lot of NOS of this variety around so I think I'll order a Mullard also

This unit is in place of my Conrad Johnson Classic 2SE right now and it sounds so good I think I'm going to leave it in the system for a little bit. 

Build quality on it is nice, I couldn't pass it up.    I wanted this preamp when it came out but I was newly married ,kid on the way so.........
Just ordered.a NOS Mullard 6201 hopefully that will sound better than the JJ, which isn't terrible but not my first choice
Those 6201 sound great .   I’m thinking about sending it to Chris at Parts Connexion but not sure which level to do

The SF SFL-1 is a nice preamp, well made but I would strongly suggest to leave it as is and just enjoy it. No doubt Chris can improve upon his earlier work but at what cost? Before I would spend the money, I’d buy a used ModWright SWL 9.0 SE and compare the two and sell the one you feel is the lesser of the two. I did this and kept the MW. The ModWright is in another level and will cost you less than modding your SFL-1. I also ran the Mullard 6201 in my SFL-1. Been awhile since I looked up what a SWL 9.0 SE go for but I’d guess around $1200. The ModWright is built equally as well and Dan can mod it I’m guessing for less if you later get the itch.
Look, get a couple different tubes, give them each a twirl and sit back and enjoy; It's really terrific piece. I've since moved to a different pre but I find it no great upgrade over the SFL-1. New piece has more tubes and a different presentation. Not necessarily better, just different... keep the Sonic Frontiers pre & play it til the wheels fall off. I still have mine albeit on the shelf for now.