Assistance Identifying an Ikeda Cartridge

Trying to figure out which cartridge I got here, came to me on a Well Tempered Reference turntable.. 

Its an Ikeda with no cantilever, so one of the earlier generation cartridges I believe. It is that gold color that the 9TT is, however where the 9TT logo is there is just a kanji character. 

Vinyl engine has about 6 to choose from, but the pics are black and white and do not show the side of the cartridge where the logo is. 

Anyone got an idea which one this could be? Like I said looks exactly like a 9TT in color, but different logo and no cantilever. 

Well, google translate APP on the iPhone can translate from the image or if you will point your camera on the object (text in any language). It’s a miracle, lol
Download it
I own 9 Rex in perfect condition (with VTF of only 1,5 g). My ''Amercan brother'' Don's (Griffith)  Supremo ( Rex in build in headshell)  was without stylus. The new stylus is reripped by
''Expert stylus'' Uk. Expert stylus also provide styli for Decca.
This btw is the only  repair which ''Expertstlus'' can provide. 

So Expert will do a stylus repacement, but no other work? I was wondering if the suuspension or other damping materials in the cartridge can be adjusted or refurbished when the cartridge gets serviced. Mine happens to be playing well, but I just wondered what could be done when its time to send it in for service. 
neonknight, I ever started a thread about ''irreparable cartridges''
among which Sony XL series and ZYX which have ''closed 
acrylic bodies''  with no possibility to get acces to the inside of the
cart. I lost this way my Sony XL 88 D. If cantileverless carts were
easy to produce we would have more than just two: Decca and
Ikeda. But I may have some good news if I get permission to
talk about.