Apple TV Set Up

I would appreciate some advice on my digital streaming issues. 

My system consist of Vandersteen Treo CT, Mimas with DAC, and the older AppleTV Streamer (model A1469). The AppleTV is connected via Ethernet cables. I digitally stream with Tidal from a MacBook Pro via Wifi. The download/upload speed  for my MacBook is about 230/11 Mbps.

The AppleTV has the latest software update. 

Question 1
Every-time I wish to play, I open my MacBookPro, open the "System Preferences", then "Sound", then choose "Apple TV".
Is there a shorter path or can I set up my MacBook differently?

Question 2
My MacBook sometimes looses connection (AppleTV gets disconnected). I then have to manually connect "AppleTV" again. Why does this happen?

thank you all in advance!
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As far as I can tell after having done some research, the AppleTV device must be selected as the Sound Output device each time the MacBook is restarted or shut down. You can do this from the loudspeaker icon found at the top of the Finder screen, or from the Control Center, in addition to your method.

Unfortunately, I don’t believe the AppleTV can be set as the default Sound Output device (my MacBook always reverts to internal speakers after selecting an AirPlay device).

You have a nice system. To take advantage of its capabilities, I believe you might be happier with a dedicated streamer. Why? You’d be able to set it as the default Sound Output device. You’d get better sound due to AirPlay’s audio limitation of 16-bit/44.1kHz, unless you’re streaming from Apple Music, in which case it will play 16-bit/44.1kHz, 24-bit/48kHz, and hi-res 24-bit/192kHz formats.

More in-depth info here:

Wifi signals can drop out. Using Ethernet will get you a more stable connection.  
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