Technics or Kuzma turntable.

My next turntable has come down to this, a Technics SP-10R with a acoustand plinth and Kuzma 11 inch 4 point arm or a Kuzma Stabi R with the 11 inch Kuzma 4 point arm. If anyone has any experience with these two table and have heard them both I would like to know what your opinions are on the sonic differences between them.
I've heard the older Technics side by side with the Kuzma. My preference is the Technics. In both cases the arm was a Triplanar. Both machines are excellent but when the arm was on the Technics the soundstage had a 'locked in' feel that I am used to only hearing with reel to reel tape. Very nice.
Definitely SP-10R, this brand served audiophiles and industry professionals with SP-10 mk2 series since the ‘70s and those models like SP10 mk2 and mk3 are still very popular (used).

You can’t go wrong with new SP-10R ! It can be your last DD drive and I’m sure it will serve you for the next 40 years. The drive is beautiful, just choose the right plinth and tonearm.
The Stabi R is not the Kuzma to get. You want the Stabi Ref 2 or the Stabi M. Of the two above it's a toss up. Both tables are not isolated. You've heard from all the direct drive crowd. I'm a belt drive guy because they are the only drive you can get with an isolated sub chassis. I also have this thing about big pulsing magnetic fields under my tiny little vibration magnification device. The Ref 2 is more expensive but worth every penny. There is a whole world of vibration and noise that won't be able to get to your pick up. The Ref 2 is a tank vs that tinny, fly weight aluminum SP thing. I would also rather support a drunk Lithuanian than what is left of Tojo's forces. Buy American!
I see strong opinions on Kuzma and Technics tables here. Some say the belt drive tables have more layering of the sound stage and are more spacious then direct drive tables. Some say the direct dirves are more dry sounding then belt tables but on the other hand speed stability are in the direct drives favor so I guess it all comes down to choices.