Technics or Kuzma turntable.

My next turntable has come down to this, a Technics SP-10R with a acoustand plinth and Kuzma 11 inch 4 point arm or a Kuzma Stabi R with the 11 inch Kuzma 4 point arm. If anyone has any experience with these two table and have heard them both I would like to know what your opinions are on the sonic differences between them.
Buy SP-10R and if you don’t like it sell it to me with huge discount :)
Not that there's anything wrong with your obsession over big pulsating magnetic fields, Mijo.  Not at all.
what TT does the OP have now, or recently….?

i asked this on the newer thread…also…..
@lewm, I just do not like them under my cartridge. Aluminum will not shield magnetic fields it takes a plain steel late to do that. If there is no steel between the cartridge and motor there is no shield.