Tyler Acoustics upgrade

I’ve had my Tyler Taylo monitors for quite a while, and after upgrading my amp recently from a Cambridge 640A to a Rogue Sphinx 3, I am getting much more out of the speakers, but I would ultimately like to get more of the lower frequencies that the Taylo’s just can’t hit.  I tried some other companies but feel I want to keep the Tyler/Rogue sound, so would like to look at some of their bigger models, specifically the Linbrook monitors or System 2 floorstander.  The monitor seems easier to track down these days but I am wondering how much difference I would hear between the monitor reaching down to 35 and the system 2 going to 32. If it matters, my room is 11x22.  Thanks for any thoughts!
Thanks for thoughts so far, I did speak with Ty and he had thoughts on some of his newer models, but for my budget, the two Linbrooks would probably work best for what I often see them go for used, so that was why I was wondering in my space how much difference I might hear between a speaker rated down to 35 hz and one rated to 32hz.  As for sub or subs instead, I do have a rythmik f12 but I’ll admit since replacing the Cambridge amp with the rogue, I didn’t hear much difference in bass and actually disconnected it as I wondered if sub integration wasn’t feasible in my space and I needed to go with a full range instead.  I will admit I only really adjusted volume and crossover while setting up (not really experienced with other aspects and don’t have rca cables long enough to experiment too much with sub placement in room, have it a few feet from amp).  Not sure about the idea of 3 or 4 subs, but might consider adding one more if I could get same acoustic results with stereo subs vs whole new pair of speakers.  Thanks for feedback!
Oh for sure, the Linbrooks, are increcible.
I think Ty uses the Millennium, which i did not care for. 
Here is my latest mod to the Thor Dual W18E001 cabinet.
I have alotttt more bass now, vs DAppolito's transmission idea. 
One Bass cab was not hooked up in this video.
I forgot to connect.
But trust me, now ported in front,,WOW factor high.
These W18E001's offer rock solid bass = no sub neeeded.
Whats a system 2 floorstander?  Im familiar with Tyler Acoustics but not ghat model.  
WOW , has the W22.  BASS Slam
Swap out the caps to Mundorf SESGO or Supreme Silver 
Port the front. 
Dump the Millennium for either a  Seas T35 or Scanspeak high resolution as per other Ty design/Taylo.

The Millennium is 87db, = junk. Garbage.