What speaker do you passionately want to demo?

Beyond the slight curiosity of what speaker you'd "like" to demo (example: every Klipsch horn speaker), what speaker(s) would you "passionately" love to demo?  A brief explanation of "why" you like these speakers would be beneficial.

I'll start:

MBL 101 X-treme - almost a decade and reviewers still say it's amongst the best they'd ever heard.  Probably should be matched to the MBL Electronics

Living Voice Vox Olympian Horn - it's wood (maybe sounds more warm/organic), it's a horn, and it consistently gets good reviews at the Munich High End audio shows.

Muraudio SP1 - Electrostatic + cone hybrid speaker that received many rave reviews.  It's not an easy task successfully marrying the fast electrostatic to the slower cone to sound seamless.  This speaker was on my short list to purchase.

Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver - both Voxative and Pure Audio Project speaker offer the Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver as an optional upgrade, but it's an additional ~$7k (yow).  The reviews leads me to believe that this field core driver is sonically "significantly" superior above other choices.  

Mike Lavigne's Evolution Acoustics MM7 in his dedicated sound room.  The sonics of demoing speakers at storefronts or audio shows can be problematic depending on the audio chain and the room setup.  MikeL has a matured optimized setup that is sonically recognized as excellent by other serious audiophiles.  
davidLouis 8 inch, 
this way I can know if I want to spend another $1100 vs the DavidLouis 6.5.
I am not sure if the 8 is that much better than what I have.
@bdp24 , I really like the G25HP. I have made dipole subwoofers and I respectfully disagree. Regardless of servo control, open baffle subwoofers are highly problematic when it comes to frequencies below 40 Hz in actual rooms. If you take an enclosed driver and put it right in a wall floor intersection or in a corner the initial impulse and the first reflection become one and the same, reducing room interaction and you can get the required bass boost at 20 Hz of about 6 dB without difficulty and with minimal power.  The issue now becomes time and phase aligning the subs with the main speakers. This is virtually impossible to do in the analog realm but very easy in the digital realm along with the actual crossover. Don't forget the high pass filter on the main speakers!!!
I can not stress this enough. Taking the bass out of the main speakers will improve their performance and give you even more headroom along with better integration. Thinking that you need dipole subs to match dipole main speakers is a mistake. Sub bass is a different animal altogether when you factor in the room. The specifics at these wave lengths requires a different approach. The balanced force design of the Rythmik G25HP is the way to go and the price is amazing for two 15" drivers and a plate amp. If you have access to a shop making a similar sub with the GR Kits would be an easy low cost approach to making a killer sub system. If you need help designing and building an enclosure feel free to ask for help. The one positive aspect of open baffle speakers is their construction is super simple. I would rather the challenge of building an enclosed sub. 
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