What high end cartridge matches best with the Wheaton Triplanar tonearm?

I am having Jean Natalis build a Lenco ultimate turntable for me. He recommended the Wheaton Triplanar tonearm as a good match for the tt. I am now looking for the best cartridge to match with the Triplanar.
It’s a medium mass tonearm so you might seek medium compliance cartridges to go with it. In my 20-year experience with the Triplanar the only class of cartridges that are not max’d out by the TP are some of the very lowest compliance ones, and in that case it’s easy to add mass to the arm.
There are ''some'' very respected member from some ''developing
countries'' like Australia (but not Dutch New Zeeland) who are
convinced that an FR-66 s ( the heavier kind than 64S) can be used
for whtever cart. That is for MC's as well for MM's. 
Seeing the issue in this CONTEXT your question looks silly. 
Lenco tables are very popular with Decca/London pickup fanatics. I see no reason why the Triplanar wouldn’t be a good mate for any of them. All pickups benefit from an arm with a very stiff tube and rattle-free bearings, but none so much as the Londons. They have no cantilever or suspension, and dump a LOT of mechanical energy into the arm.

Londons have a startling "alive" sound, very dynamic and immediate. They are like a good horn loudspeaker in that sense.

The Super Gold (with the optional Decapod mounting system) will cost you about $1500, the Jubilee about twice that, the Reference a little over five grand.
Idler Drives can be over emphasized in the Bass.
My PTP Solid 9 is able to deliver a Bass that noticeably present when direct powered from the Wall Socket and a little bit leaner in the Bass when Powered via the dedicated Speed Controller Power Supply.

I have used a Hana SL on this only, I have not  been compelled to use my other available Cartridge options.
The SL will let the Bass be quite present if that is ones preference, I would not push for more, less is more than enough for myself with an Idler Drive.