So damn hard deciding which tube preamp to buy!

So you have $10 to $25k. What do u do??? So many names.  Cant test them cause no one nearby stocks them, and not broken in.  

What does one do??
What are you looking for in terms of sound, something very colored and syrupy or something that true to the source with speed, musicality and sheer dynamics?

My first recommendation will be Atma-Sphere MP-1 Pre-amp Fully Loaded with all dam options available. Put in the best tubes you can afford. I consider this pre-amp as one of the best around but you must learn to set it up properly with tubes. It is very sensitive pre-amp. I consider this as one of the best in the world. Its fully balanced, follows the AES48 Code, it can drive Long cables and you can set the system up well away from the speakers and amps. I have been using one for many years and no longer feel i need to ever change. 

Other option is VAC, Its colored for sure, but sounds very good and i used to own it. I moved from VAC to Atma with no Regrets but still consider VAC very good pre-amps especially if bought second hand cheap.

Conrad-Johnson's GAT Preamp is a reference for many reviewers.  You should be able to hear it locally and find a discount as well.
Just narrow it down to a couple of prospects then research the hell out of them. Find out which dealer offers a 30 day trial with money back guarantee. We all been through it before. On the other hand it used to be easy to turn over used gear on Audiogon, not so easily done any more.
So you have $10 to $25k
[sorry for my English]
...and you are asking what to do?Very simple, you buy (blindly) the very best preamplifier of the world that money can buy in that price range: Aries Cerat Incito S (approx. $15.000).
I don' like tubes (honey-topping on everything), but this one is totally different. SET tube design, with zero feed-back, and transistor-like figures. Watch out, 5 chokes and 75lb (!!!). Romote control, with relays (no potentiometer, they all suck).
 It replaced favorably a Cello Encore (in an acquaintance's system), and even caught back to active preamp afficionados of passive preamps.

That thing is not of this world, really. Well beyond ALL the big names of high-end.
If you have $25,000  to spend for a tube preamp.You should have no problem picking one out...even if you buy something you don't like just have you chauffeur return it.