L. Armstrong, glue prob, Complete Hot 5 and Hot 7

I just pulled out my copy of Louie Armstrong "The Complete Hot 5 and Hot 7 recordings."

The 4 discs reside in paper pockets that are glued to the case. The glue has migrated to the discs or the discs have slid over to contact the glue. In any case I have glue on the discs. It is still sticky and does not want to come up with gentle rubbing. I've contacted Sony and expect a replacement, but I thought if you had the set you might want to check it.
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They are CDs, guess I should have mentioned that, and there is no way I'm experimenting on my Partridge Family collection.
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Be CAREFUL...Goo B Gone, while it is great stuff is VERY CAUSTIC...it will take the finish off your car as well as the road tar...I know because I did just that. You might try something less powerful such as a 50/50 mix isopropal alcohol and a very soft cloth, if that doesn't work increase the mix of alcohol until you have tried 100%. Make sure you rinse the CD afterword to remove any residue. You might also try Shine-O-La CD cleaner after you try the alcohol, the Shine-O-La should remove any residue, I've had good luck with this Shin-O-La stuff.