Sonus Faber vs Wilson

I currently own a pair of absolutely gorgeous Serafino Tradition speakers. They are about 3 months old and I’ve finally got them positioned nicely in my room. They are being driven by a Gryphon Diablo 300. Great soundstage and imaging even off access. Tremendous detail and I just love the way the speakers look. I must add that it’s really important to me how all this stuff looks in my home. I love the tight fast and nuanced delivery of the Gryphon but not loving the way it looks…alas..that sound made the decision for me and I’ve hidden it away so my wife doesn’t have a coronary.

So….this brings me to my newest quandary. My local dealer has a gorgeous dedicated listening room in the lovely Biltmore hotel just minutes from my home. (Very dangerous…!) There are a pair of Wilson Sasha DAW speakers that sound…well…that sound like the best speakers I’ve heard. I absolutely HATE the way they look…and I would dread getting them up the three front steps of my home…but that sound….

Do I keep the lovely sounding and gorgeous looking Serafino’s or swap them for the ugliest best sounding speakers I’ve ever heard.? 
(There is an $18k price difference so there’s that too…!)
All I can say is you must be filthy rich.

My wife would kick me out of the house if I purchased a pair Wilson's.
I like Wilsons a lot but 2 things mentioned in a few answers.
1. Wilsons are not an easy load. The newer ones are better but they still drop to 2 ohms or lower at spots and are very reactive. But good amps designed for these characteristics will work very well.
2. Wilsons like big rooms. But they can be set up to be excellent in small rooms. I've heard Michael Fremer's Wilson XVX speakers, much bigger than the Sasha and they were excellent in a small room, so small that almost everyone would look at it and foolishly not even try the speakers there.
@keithr   Keith, your fiance may have a point if they are going to be center of your main living room. OTOH, the Sasha DAW's or the smaller Sabrina X's can be perhaps 'blended' into the space with a choice of color. I guess I am lucky, I don't have to worry about these things, as the dedicated room is rarely visited by the better half. 
Which is more important to you, looks or sound?

I have always held sound to be paramount, and pursued appearance only if I happened to be able to get a speaker that also looked nice.

I really like the Sonus products - they are stunning in the looks department and very good sonically. 

But I own Wilsons (and older larger model than the Sashas (Maxx) , which, BTW, I drive with a 70 wpc tube amp.  Don't know how easy a load the Sashas are.

Were I going for looks I'd probably look at Avalons, though.
From what you said in your original post, you are there- good sound, great look.  It’s new. Enjoy it. Other systems might sound better, look better. But, remember, your system is damn good. All you have to do is, like Raul say’s, Enjoy the Music!