Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.
I'm a little late to this party, but I can attest that adding 2 SR Orange fuses (1 to my preamp, and 1 to my amp) literally left my jaw hanging open.

So, I don't really care HOW or WHY it works, but I know for SURE that it indeed works.

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I have questioned which way to point the fuse.  I have 4 yellows in my system.  I questioned Mike from TG's and this is his response...

"It depends on the orientation of the iec input on the back of the component. if the iec input is oriented so that the center contact is below the contacts on the left and right, then the hot is on the right side, and the arrow should point to the left.  If the center contact is above the left and right contacts, then the fuse should point to the right".

I hope this helps others as it provided clarity to me and now I don't need to mess around.  In conjunction with the Townshend Podiums and the yellow fuses the music is sounding pretty damn good.  Next for me is I just ordered 16 Western Electric 300B tubes for my amps.  

Hope all have a good weekend.

Blind Will
Great info. I've ordered the yellow for my preamp. This will be my first ever fuse upgrade and the directional rules had me a little confused. Thanks willgolf.

Great info. I've ordered the yellow for my preamp. This will be my first ever fuse upgrade and the directional rules had me a little confused. 

Sometimes it takes a little courage asking the questions you want cause no one wants to look 'stupid' to others. And asking that question, couldn't be more farther from the truth. So if you don't ask...You won't know.

@georgehifi, doing research on fuses about 3 years ago I stumbled upon this 2017 you tube video by Paul McGowan the chief electrical engineer of PS Audio about 'Audiophile fuses'. He didn't believe that something as small as a fuse could effect sound quality either.


Well, he does now, in fact he has completely changed the design of his products to make them more fuse swapping friendly.

Don't believe me, go to his PS Audio blog and you will see years of PS Audio customers sharing their stories on fuse swapping.

I got 2 light blue on the way and within ninety days - a hell of a long grace period, I'll probably get a yellow, and then...