So damn hard deciding which tube preamp to buy!

So you have $10 to $25k. What do u do??? So many names.  Cant test them cause no one nearby stocks them, and not broken in.  

What does one do??
I never heard of that company, but the amps look absolutely beautiful!
BAT preamp has about 16 tubes and uses 300 watts when in use.  It is a monster preamp.  Not a good fit within ht setup.

VAC, 2 tubes, very nice but remote not fully functional. Not good fit for ht use.

mom very unhappy, wants a new preamp. So hard to find a quality tube preamp for ht use.  Vtl 7.5 iii very nice at $28k, but very overpriced.
The best I have had and heard are the BAT pre amps , Pricey when new 2nd hand better for you.
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facten, that may well be true, but you should give him the benefit of the doubt. I wish some one would of made a few suggestions on a tube preamp for myself but in the end I had to experiment with a hand full of them and decide which one worked well to my ears and in my system. That is what happens in the end any way.