Calling all Sota fans.

Mark Dohmann made a comment that if he was to buy a turntable for $20000 he said it would be a Sota, so is this table a great buy and is he right on his comment? There are so many tables out there, direct drive, belt drive ect, that sound great to many so why is the Sota in the same ball park as Techdas, Technics, Kuzma, TW Acustic and others, is it really as good as the other big guns with the right arm?
The first belt stretched out in a year or two. Then I figured to add a little manual spin boost before every play. Second belt +35 years.
Donna will probably be at Axpona.
It looks like they will have a room this year besides Expo Hall.
... I put my deposit in 8 months ago and I sold my old Sota at about the same time. This is the longest period of time in my entire life from the age of 4 that I have not been able to play a record.
Arrrrgh! I hope you get your new table soon, @mijostyn.
I have been a big SOTA fan since the launch of the Sapphire in the early 80’s. We were one of the initial dealers. A typical SOTA left the shop with a Sumiko or Souther arm and a Dynavector Ruby. My brother still runs the 1983 table w minimal adjustment and tuneups, it has a MMT with Ortofon Black MC… lovely still…

I bought several years ago  a Sapphire at auction from a widow. TT had at some point been dropped so it was shipped direct to Donna at SOTA for repairs and upgrades of which many ( mentioned above ) were possible. Replaced springs, bearing, upgraded motor ( should have bought Eclipse then, will do that soon ). Platter mat, new belt. I had the arm Sumiko FT-3 rebuilt and rewired w top Cardas by another vendor. I currently use a Hana ML until I sort out the upgrade path. Sonics are dark black background, excellent drive, speed stability/pitch good, the HANA is a polite MC.  I have a Brinkmann Bardo on HRS base w Triplaner and a Lyra, so no stranger to good sound. The SOTA represents superb vale, sonics and great service.
enjoy the music

Yes it is Jim, and glad I took your advice and purchased my older SOTA Sapphire III. Could not be happier with it. Great recommendation and advice, and will always the thankful to your guidance.

Really, all things considered, zero issues with it compared to my old Kenwood table and inexpensive Pro-Ject that followed it getting back into vinyl after many many years. The SOTA beats the heck out of both.