Wilson Audio Sasha sound imbalance

Hi All,

There is this minor imbalance that is driving me crazy.
I swapped the puppies between left and right and found the imaging to shift possibly confirming the imbalance resides in the speakers rather than the equipment.

I ordered the resistor sets, wanted your opinion whether replacing resistors might be able to fix it.
The centre vocal image currently on slightly in the right.
Interestingly the centre image for the instruments is dead centre it only seems to impact vocals.
My experience has been that for whatever reasons the channels may have an imbalance. Swapping sides is the first thing I do, then I adjust positions (loudspeakers and me) until it is optimized. Loudspeakers often have different outputs, sometimes substantial, often sold in matched pairs.   
Wilsons won’t come out of the factory mismatched, I promise you that. If the resistors don’t get it done, call Wilson and see what they recommend. Also, make sure your binding posts are tight!

I replaced the resistors, and the imbalance exist.
Its really in the vocal area more then anywhere else.
Eg: The centre image for instruments such as drums comes in the centre but vocals seem a tad off to the right.

Anything I can do to test the drivers?