What speaker do you passionately want to demo?

Beyond the slight curiosity of what speaker you'd "like" to demo (example: every Klipsch horn speaker), what speaker(s) would you "passionately" love to demo?  A brief explanation of "why" you like these speakers would be beneficial.

I'll start:

MBL 101 X-treme - almost a decade and reviewers still say it's amongst the best they'd ever heard.  Probably should be matched to the MBL Electronics

Living Voice Vox Olympian Horn - it's wood (maybe sounds more warm/organic), it's a horn, and it consistently gets good reviews at the Munich High End audio shows.

Muraudio SP1 - Electrostatic + cone hybrid speaker that received many rave reviews.  It's not an easy task successfully marrying the fast electrostatic to the slower cone to sound seamless.  This speaker was on my short list to purchase.

Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver - both Voxative and Pure Audio Project speaker offer the Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver as an optional upgrade, but it's an additional ~$7k (yow).  The reviews leads me to believe that this field core driver is sonically "significantly" superior above other choices.  

Mike Lavigne's Evolution Acoustics MM7 in his dedicated sound room.  The sonics of demoing speakers at storefronts or audio shows can be problematic depending on the audio chain and the room setup.  MikeL has a matured optimized setup that is sonically recognized as excellent by other serious audiophiles.  
I'm with you Rushfan 71, Focal Grande Utopia and Magico M6. I own a pair of Focal 1038 BE's and love the focal style, and built quality. I recently had a chance to hear the Magico A3's which did sound nice. So I'm interested in hearing the Big Guy's from Magico. They have a unique build quality to them. Also a fat price tag. Oh well, maybe some day my ship will come in.
Anything from YG Acoustics, just because I love the look.
Devore o/96. I’ve  many positive reviews.
Lets throw in Zu Soul or Soul Supreme.
I have a roughly 12x30 room in an old home. One corner is taken by an entertainment armoire and speaker placement must take place adjacent to this on either side. I have little options for placement and positioning. Most applications would lean towards a stand mounted bookshelf design which I have. But there is a floor stander with little footprint which I am intrigued by and believe would fit very well into my system, and have yet to audition. It's the Jean Marie Reynaud (JMR) Cantabile. Regards, Scott
Monitor Audio Platinum PL300 II, I loved the demo so much, I took a pair home in a heartbeat! 
Speakers I might be able to afford (used or new) some day and want to hear:
- Ohm Walsh
- Volti
- Boenicke W8 (I really like the W5)
- JBL 4xxx

Totally out of budget that I would love to hear:
- MBL 101 Extreme (I like the standard 101)
- Wilson XVX
- von Schweikert Ultra 11
- Focal Grande Utopia (I like many of their smaller models)

@roxy I have heard and seen the smaller Bayz and actually liked the looks. In real life they are like sculptures that produce sound.