Nordost users....time to upgrade!

We Nordost users like this pricey, cool looking brand for various reasons.

Odin II is known as the "final stop" for ultra setups. It is now 2nd tier  to the latest.
I've tried it in my system. Everyone should demo it if they get the chance. 

Just when you thought Odin was already over the top....Odin GOLD! Complete with gold plated conductors.
We're talking $200K+ to get a basic setup: 2 monoblocks, preamp, speakers and JUST ONE SOURCE!

I guess when you can roll big...YOU ROLL BIG! For some reason, this brings to mind Eastern Bloc track suit guy that annoyingly revs his Koenigsegg at a stoplight, as the target demographic?

Makes my Heimdall/Frey setup seem like the supplied cables you leave in the box.
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I don’t sell cables, I use to make my own and found a mom and pop in China that does a great job. They are actually less than when I did buy in bulk..


This is one that I use. The other 1/2 is a ribbon its around 60.00

The two together make for a really good cable combo, quiet and dynamic. They work very well with planars, SS or valves.. 

I condition OCC silver clad & PTFE for 14-21 days on a cooker too. 

200 hours of break in and they are close after 14-21 days of conditioning.

Add 1-200 more hours with no conditioning..

LOL 200.00 for 3 pairs of great cables..

59,000.00 for a 1 1/2 meters (I'll take a dozen) :-) Good Lord!!
And people go on tangents behind a 100.00 fuse? OK...

"my money would go to Kimber Naked Series."


1M pair of IC's @$12K-BARGAIN! Nice looking too.
A  used pair of Valhalla MAYBE Odin(older) can also be  had for the same cost.
Kimber appears to have done their spin on what Nordost does for "air dielectric".

All too much for this  audiophool pauper.

oldhvymec :

These below are the speaker cables I just ordered from your China seller:

I ordered two pairs for bi-amping. For that price, worth a shot. I can just give them away to friends and family, or keep them as substitute, in-between speaker cables, if they are trash. We'll see