"Did You See What Happened?" by The Dwight Twilley Band. The KILLER, smokin’-hot Rock ’n’ Roll song that is the non-LP B-side on the band’s "I’m On Fire" debut single, which somehow managed to became a Top-40 hit in 1975.
Having long-since listened to AM radio, I was unaware of Twilley until I discover Greg Shaw’s wonderful Bomp Magazine in late-’76. Greg was (RIP) a Garage Band and Power Pop fanatic (his collection of Garage Band 45’s numbered over 100,000!), and he predicted The Dwight Twilley Band (a three piece combo: Twilley on rhythm guitar/lead and harmony vocals, Phil Seymour on drums/lead and harmony vocals, and Bill Pitcock IV on guitar) would become a legendary Group.
That single, and the fantastic album it appeared on---Sincerely (in my all-time Top 10)---is what inspired Tom Petty’s band Mudcrutch to travel to Tulsa Oklahoma, to meet with the band and ask their advice regarding getting a record deal. Twilley hooked Petty up with Tulsa-local Leon Russell, owner of Shelter Records (the label upon which Sincerely was released), and the rest is history.
Though The Dwight Twilley Band---and Twilley and Phil Seymour separately---enjoyed some commercial success, it was Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers who became major Rock Stars. Life ain’t fair ;-) . Listen to Sincerely, then ask yourself: is there a TP & THB album which comes close to equaling the brilliance of Sincerely? In my opinion, no; not even close. I in fact consider Sincerely "better" than any The Beatles album. Or Stones, or The Who, or The Beach Boys (I hear you laughing ;-), or any other Band/Group you can mention. But that’s just me.
Having long-since listened to AM radio, I was unaware of Twilley until I discover Greg Shaw’s wonderful Bomp Magazine in late-’76. Greg was (RIP) a Garage Band and Power Pop fanatic (his collection of Garage Band 45’s numbered over 100,000!), and he predicted The Dwight Twilley Band (a three piece combo: Twilley on rhythm guitar/lead and harmony vocals, Phil Seymour on drums/lead and harmony vocals, and Bill Pitcock IV on guitar) would become a legendary Group.
That single, and the fantastic album it appeared on---Sincerely (in my all-time Top 10)---is what inspired Tom Petty’s band Mudcrutch to travel to Tulsa Oklahoma, to meet with the band and ask their advice regarding getting a record deal. Twilley hooked Petty up with Tulsa-local Leon Russell, owner of Shelter Records (the label upon which Sincerely was released), and the rest is history.
Though The Dwight Twilley Band---and Twilley and Phil Seymour separately---enjoyed some commercial success, it was Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers who became major Rock Stars. Life ain’t fair ;-) . Listen to Sincerely, then ask yourself: is there a TP & THB album which comes close to equaling the brilliance of Sincerely? In my opinion, no; not even close. I in fact consider Sincerely "better" than any The Beatles album. Or Stones, or The Who, or The Beach Boys (I hear you laughing ;-), or any other Band/Group you can mention. But that’s just me.