Why Don't More People Into Music Reproduction At Home Play Around With Musical Instruments

 In the pursuit of music reproduction in the home it is my firm belief that you must listen to live music every now & again so that you know & understand how real music,with real instruments,in real physical spaces sounds...
 With that as a foundation I used in judging equipment's "voice" I also believe that playing around with a musical instrument is an excellent way to gain first hand experience with musical sound...EVERY person that reads this can learn a few musical notes,on ANY musical instrument on the planet..For instance I play around with electric guitar.NO I can NOT play,but I can play the notes EFG,on first string & BCD on the second string...Now  I know those few notes & easily recognize them in any song..I am just this coming week going to start playing around with an electric keyboard....So I wonder,why don't more audiophiles simply play around with real instruments as part of their pursuit of honest reproduction in the home?Surely the education in reality is worth the $100.00 it takes to get an entry level guitar,keyboard,horn etc...
i am just a retired Economist. Engineering is simple, so now i dabble in Quantum computing…..

because snark does not always translate well, Engineering isn’t simple…

@guidocorona what a wonderful post you make anf offer of help. Grace and peace to you.
there is always the Tambourine…man

Now, that, I might be able to handle Jim 😄
@russbutton exactly the path i went down by building a mobile recording rack, partnered  up w local recording studio / engineer / musical artist ( via Patreon  )……

Love your recording and the performance:-) what mics did you use ?

great contribution you made
for those interested in a great portable recorder, I can highly recommend the ZOOM H6, for the digitalphobic a Revox A-77 and two decent mics….and away you go. …