Finally, a great stylus cleaner-Onzow Zerodust!

Just wanted to turn on us vinyl lovers to a great product.
Not expensive, on Amazon for about $50. Super easy to use. No fluid, no brushes. Just uncover it and lightly touch the sticky pad to the stylus. Well removes dust and stuff. I apply it about every other side.
Seeing the stuff that has been cleaned on the Onzow reminds me of the gratification of watching my Keith Monks RCM vacuum up dirt from the record.
Seeing the stuff that has been cleaned on the Onzow reminds me of the gratification of watching my Keith Monks RCM vacuum up dirt from the record.
The Onzow was recommended by the Lyra distributor.
@whart, I will share my ambivalence towards these products with you. 
They are relatively solid and just a slight twitch with use and you will be wondering where your stylus has gone. Since all of my cartridges have styli glued to the end of a boron rod the danger is quite real.
I use the Lyra fluid and a dense artist's brush which also allows you to clean accumulated dust off the cantilever. Magnification is always helpful. I use loops. With the way I play records I might have to clean the stylus once a month.