If you were born in 55’, as I was, it was a truly special time. Color TV and home computers had yet to be invented. Who remembers watching Gunsmoke on Sunday nights on a BW television. Much of the music created in my generation was dictated by the times. Frank Sinatra still crooned throughout the 60’s. If you were into Motown, and Jazz, as I was, you developed a special appreciation for the musicians of this period. Miles didn’t peak until BB in 1969. Coltrane was at his height in the early 60’s. There were so many musicians from RNR to Motown! Motown was created by a man who had the foresight to explore the best jazz artist’s performing in his communities nightlife and employ them to create an in house band like no other. Without them, there would not have been the success of Motown. And I enjoyed the musical ride from 1960, just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, through the wave upon wave of musicians with names like The Beach Boys, Lovin Spoonful, Janis Joplin, Otis Redding, on and on, and on. The music scene for a 17 year period was special and endless! It’s the finest musical period in history defined by one thing. Musical hits. We had hits. Besides the gifted Whitney Houston in the nineties there’s been no true hits. Music today has no such movement. And it’s not defined by the times in which we lived. Tower of Power, War, Santana. I could go on but what’s the point, you know who they were. We lived with a simple AM radio and listened to these hits, one after another. Carol King, Carly Simon, Aretha! It seems there were thousands of artists who created genuine hits. Today’s music, not so much.