I believe the Aurrender is not compatible with ROON. So I was never interested in that brand. I have heard it and used it on a tablet when I was demoing Luxman gear. I like ROON better for streaming (maybe old dog learning something new). I also use killer ROON features like Convolution filters, tagging, multi-zone, grouped streams (for comparing gear) which I am not sure Aurrender supports.
I would not waste my time ripping your disks. I have ripped my disks a few times starting around 2005 using dbPoweramp. The reason I would not rip my disks if I started today is that streaming services will have all these disks available for you.
In the event, that a disk in not available on the steaming services you can always play your CD. So I would keep my CD/SACD player and get a ROON compatible streaming solution. I have a 20 year old Sony SACD player that I love to listen to still.
I have 4 ROON READY streaming instances that serve the streming function of the Aurrender, 2 of them are Sonore OpticalRendu, 1 microRendu, and a Network streamer built into an integrated amp (Ethernet based). I stream all day using ROON. I cannot say I have had any difficult issues even though my setup is very complicated. Most ROON setups are rather simple and rock solid.
I would not waste my time ripping your disks. I have ripped my disks a few times starting around 2005 using dbPoweramp. The reason I would not rip my disks if I started today is that streaming services will have all these disks available for you.
In the event, that a disk in not available on the steaming services you can always play your CD. So I would keep my CD/SACD player and get a ROON compatible streaming solution. I have a 20 year old Sony SACD player that I love to listen to still.
I have 4 ROON READY streaming instances that serve the streming function of the Aurrender, 2 of them are Sonore OpticalRendu, 1 microRendu, and a Network streamer built into an integrated amp (Ethernet based). I stream all day using ROON. I cannot say I have had any difficult issues even though my setup is very complicated. Most ROON setups are rather simple and rock solid.