To Stream or Not to Stream

Need advice Audiogoners... I'm considering jumping into the streaming "waters". The features of the Aurender ACS 10 are most appealing to me, specifically the CD ripper feature (have a collection in excess 7k CD's). Would coupling the Aurender with the Schitt YGGDRASIL be a good pairing? Recommendations and suggestions would be greatly appreciated... Thanks
I believe the Aurrender is not compatible with ROON. So I was never interested in that brand. I have heard it and used it on a tablet when I was demoing Luxman gear. I like ROON better for streaming (maybe old dog learning something new). I also use killer ROON features like Convolution filters, tagging, multi-zone, grouped streams (for comparing gear) which I am not sure Aurrender supports.

I would not waste my time ripping your disks. I have ripped my disks  a few times starting around 2005 using dbPoweramp. The reason I would not rip my disks if I started today is that streaming services will have all these disks available for you.

In the event, that a disk in not available on the steaming services you can always play your CD. So I would keep my CD/SACD player and get a ROON compatible streaming solution. I have a 20 year old Sony SACD player that I love to listen to still.

I have 4 ROON READY streaming instances that serve the streming function of the Aurrender, 2 of them are Sonore OpticalRendu, 1 microRendu, and a Network streamer built into an integrated amp (Ethernet based). I stream all day using ROON. I cannot say I have had any difficult issues even though my setup is very complicated. Most ROON setups are rather simple and rock solid.
Wow, how the mighty have fallen.  Streaming, or rental music as I call it, has won the day here at last.  Well, you stream, I stream...we get it.  It's convenient.  Its cheap. It sounds as good or better than whatever that was we were doing for the past 100 years.  Good riddance to that.  And don't ask me which platform I stream from because who cares?  Like, is there  really a  quality issue between them? Really?   But who am I to say.  Maybe we're not headed towards being OCD about which digital platform the unwashed ignorantly chose: "Oh..Tidal, are you still using that?"  Crazy, I thought we were not just consumers of music but archivists, preservationists and curators of rare physical antiquities.  No?  You mean everyone, anyone, now has everything at the tips of their fingers? A phone. A dac. Some ear-bud-thingies.  Good to go.  But there's a book (remember those?): "Dust and Grooves".  Inside are photos and stories of who we are, or were.   It's not just about the vinyl (although I personally drool over it), and not just about the music, but about the people who are the keepers of the flame, so to speak.  Get the book and take a long last look at what very well may be the last of us.  
To Stream or Not to Stream
(have a collection in excess 7k CD’s).

Forget it, it’s midfi at best.
Get a good Hard Drive setup to copy those precious 7k of CD’s. Get good CD transport and R2R Dac and then play either.

Forget streaming/downloads, even the best companies use later compressed re-issues/re-masters of the earlier uncompressed albums.
They’re good for ear-phones, Ipods, Car audio, dinner music etc where compression is ok to have, because it’s all one level of volume, so background noise isn’t so obtrusive during quite parts, because there aren’t any. (if there’s no quite, there can be no loud)


Listen to the difference, (compare 1 to 3 they’re at the same "average level") no.3 has no drive or punch.

And today new stuff is very compressed also, even the CD’s.

Cheers George

I found the best combo for Qobuz and Tidal streaming : Aqua Formula xHD Rev 2 DAC + Aqua LinQ streamer paired with a fanless Roon Rock NUC and a top flight switch like my Paul Pang Quad switch.If one can afford this setup if will be very difficult to beat even at CH Precision prices.
I love streaming Tidal.  Their library is huge and the sound quality of high.  I haven’t used CD’s for years.  You will enjoy streaming and won’t look back.