@devilboy ,
Does anyone actually know where all of this is heading?
We were casually informed back in Feb that the UK economy had shrunk to its lowest point for over 300 years!
And it continues to shrink as the national debt overtakes its GDP.
Meanwhile over in the US, from what we can gather via the mainstream media, things aren’t what they used to be.
The recent humiliation over the fall of Afghanistan suggests that some global transfer of power has already occurred.
The US debt threatens to also overtake its GDP.
Just how much further can this form of economic enslavement go? Are we all destined to end up as economic slaves paying ever increasing stealth taxes to enable our governments to repay ever increasing stealth interest repayments?
For sure people are concerned, people are worried, and it won’t surprise me to see them seeking ever increasingly desperate measures.History often has a way of repeating itself.
In the meantime there doesn’t seem to be too much that we can do about any of this. Other than try to stay healthy, try to stay afloat economically and maintain healthy relationships.
At least that way we can best face whatever it is that’s coming next.
Oh yeah, let’s not also forget about music and playback equipment. It might be behaviour akin to that of the band on the Titanic, but at the very least we can still choose the tunes and hope our posts don't keep getting deleted in the meantime.