Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!

The results I have experienced are with a lite coat..not dark not like boot polish. I take the supplied brush and put a drop or 2 on copper foil and then use a artist brush to apply to the parts at hand.
This gives me greater control.
I used the same method with TC.
I also used the supplied stiff narrow fine brush on my dac ribbon cables and those on the transport.  Tom
Sounds interesting. I must say that I bought the 3ml bottle and have done my whole system and I think I have more than 1/2 bottle left!
So it does go a long way.

I bought a second small bottle in case I run out mid course. I did use some to give a couple friends a taste of amazement..and they were. Tom

I used it on 2A3 pins and small signal pins. It made a huge difference.

Have you looked into how to clean the tube sockets if you don't want to not use it anymore? 

Also, what would you do when you tube roll? Apply only to new tubes or re apply even when going back to one you used before?

Thanks for info ozzy. I recently email Rick (inventor of 1260) from high fidelity cables and asked him about usb. here follows my email and his response. I think it will be of interest to many.
  Hi, are there any videos of applying NPS-1260 to usb, spdif,ect. yet? Will there be any by you if not? Enjoy your products, thanks marc brown
    Eventually yes this is planned however it's quite simple. There are two methods for USB depending on the size of the USB you can use the small applicator that looks like a tiny Q-tip or potentially even a toothpick get a magnifying headlamp and try to put the material on the strips of the USB. The first few times this is the method I used however now all I do is wipe the brushoff very good on the top of the bottle inserted into the USB end of the cable and wipe it around. To get it in there some of the bristles will bend back you need to make sure it gets into the connector well so I kind of tap it in.This will leave a lot of material on the dielectric however I have found no issue with that and no difference in sound. At first I was careful not to do this but it didn't seem to make any difference performance was still the same even when it was coating the dielectric.This allowed me to do things like USB-C. One thing I'm careful to do is after applying there will be a lot of material on the end of the USB where it doesn't need to be I use a paper towel and wipe this material off so that it's only on the inside.Spirit has done the same as an RCA the pin is simply smaller so it's very easy to do.I'm not sure when we're going to have time for videos but I suggest that you can confidently move forward.If you're leery and want help I could FaceTime with you or something like that just let me know.Have fun Marc.Rick