Pulled from old theater

Hello all, last week I lugged home items from a long retired theater. Former adult theater, that was once a first run theater.. but I digress. Essentially a big horn on top and a 15" driver mounted in a folded cabinet. Altec crossover included. Both the horn and low end driver are noted as coming from the International Projector Corp. I learned the drivers themselves were manufactured by Jensen. Both have good conductivity and are operational. Plan is to make this into a mono garage system. Anyone have any experience in this? things to look out for etc.. I am looking to decipher resistance and possible matches for one of my spare amps, grab a source and soon be agitating my neighbors. 
Wish I could add a pic.. it's pretty cool looking. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdoyle3433
An option for your particular find would be to post on Audio Karma
and insert pictures directly in your post.
Lots of interest in vintage horn speakers there.

Do they look like the old VOT speakers?

I love um.. I was a real horn NUT for a while.. I still love hearing the old C45 JBLs at a buddies. He has had those sense we we in our teens.
His grandfather left them to him..

VOT though..


I’ve seen the WE a few times.. A skating ring that doubled as a square dancing arena and the occasional "Wrestling match". It had a set up real close to this. 4 WE floor standers and 4 pole mount horns.. All MONO 45s on a pair of TTs.. I use to help out there when I was 15-16.

They used the old Fairchild with foot breaks. Step on the break and Que a record. Step on it the second time and it released the break. 1/4 turn it was 45 rpms.

Kind of like this one.


There were Jensen Imperial Horns too.. I had a pair and an Imperial Sub..


Two 51 Chevy 1/2 ton pick up loads to move the beasts.. :-)

Former adult thea... no on second thought I am not gonna touch that one. Might still be sticky.
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