Pass XA100.8 or X260.8

Hey guys,

Trying to plan out my next upgrades and I am stuck between these two Pass models, XA100.8 or X260.8.  XA is a used set but the X260 would be new.

Current set up:
B&W 805D2
JL Sub
Aurender N10
Berkeley Alpha 2 DAC and driving Amps
Quicksilver Mono 120/KT150's

Future plans might include an upgrade to a full range set up like Magico A5 or maybe B&W 802.  

With my current set up I would just find an XA60. but with my thought I might upgrade later I am trying to buy once for the foreseeable future.  Does anyone have any practical insight?


Great system you have. I have owned Pass amps for 40 years… most recently the X350. 

I would definitely go the XA100 route. You get a more natural musical sound. Which after many years of pursuing greater and greater slam and detail I realized kept improving those attributes but taking away from the musicality (rhythm and pace, midrange bloom) and naturalness of the sound. I now have a Audio Research 160s… more similar to the XA

However, you are not me… if you are headed down the route to Magico then maybe your interests lie in detail and slam. In this case the get a Pass X350… seriously don’t fool around with the 250. I had the choice and my dealer pushed me towards the 350… I never regretted it.
You might want to give Mark @ RenoHifi a call.  Great guy, supports his customers, and I’m a happy one.  Both amps are different in the way they sound, and you may prefer one over the other.  However, to be brief, he doesn’t stock the XA100.8.