So damn hard deciding which tube preamp to buy!

So you have $10 to $25k. What do u do??? So many names.  Cant test them cause no one nearby stocks them, and not broken in.  

What does one do??
The cayin will perform equally as good as any preamp,, for alot lotTTTT less cash
The cayin will perform equally as good as any preamp,, for alot lotTTTT less cash

Have you compared the Cayin to every preamp? There is always something better.
Sad there is no spec compilation matching guide to aid preamp decisions.  So i will prepare my own grid listing specs for amps/preamps/speakers for my top picks.

maybe this will help me.  Make sense?

trying to make mom happy. 

Have you compared the Cayin to every preamp? There is always something better.

I made a  experiement witha   Jadis clone, 12AT7, with Mundorf caps, vs a  Jadis 20 yr old DPL, Mundorf Caps, Takman Resistors Reys.
Sure Jadis has the  finest power caps, Philips the blue ones, but really the improvement was only **miniscule**.
To me a  amp = amp\
Line Stage = line stage.
Minisclue gains here N there, Now as for 
Speakers = speakers
HUge gaps there. Each will sound completely totally differebnt from the next. 
Spaekers are everything, the rest is only minisclue gains. 
Speakers 90%++ of  the sound ina  system
the other less than 10% is split between 
DAC/CDP /Line Stage/ Amplificatrion. 

Speakers 90%++ of the sound ina system
the other less than 10% is split between
DAC/CDP /Line Stage/ Amplificatrion.

I had a setup I couldn't even listen to until I put a better preamp in the chain, now it's sounds incredible.