Loudest Sound Ever?

I really like this guy's YouTube channel and I thought several (maybe a few?) of
you guys would enjoy wasting(?) six minutes...


Actually does a good job of quickly explaining SPL. 
Its 10 o'clock...do you know what your SPL is?

 It's funny how everyone assumes they know what environment existed prior to the birth of the Universe. You're smarter than I am.
Technically the conditions prior to the Big Bang are undefined. Math lingo for "we don't know". Anyone wanting to understand the subject, Hawking's A Brief History of Time is the one to read.
@millercarbon But what about Supertramp "loud".  Must be near the envelope to crush matter into a singularity, yes?  And, as an aside, I particularly like the Hawking theory that black holes evaporate!  Wowzers that some critical listening/thinking.  No snark.
