Still not convinced sorry.I recently got to hear the latest Purifi class
D [P452 I believe] in a very good system-Magicos/Accuphase and they
still sound phasey.There is certainly less haze than earlier but they
still struggle to create convincing image depth and height.So just not
3D enough.And sorry but the whole point of stereo recording and
reproduction is imaging.I know a lot of people can’t seem to hear that
sort of imaging and for them class D might be fine but it in absolute
terms it is still flawed.
@jtgofish I'm not doubting your experience but to my understanding the Purifi module is not sold as an assembled amp- you have to buy them and assemble them into an amplifier. So a lot depends on how competent the individual was that did that.
I've not heard the Purifi, but I have heard class D amps that have as much soundstage width, depth and height that I've only heard in the best tube amplifiers (which easily best most of the solid state I've heard).
IMO if you really want to know about this you might try a different amp- one amp does not represent all of them.