Aurum Acoustics Integris CDP

This new CD player already received glowing accolades. It looks like Reimyo CDP and appears to be built like tank, uses Anagram Quantum SRC module and Philips CD Pro 2M top-loading transport. Any comment on the performance of this CD player?
I heard an early version of the full aurum system including the cd/pre, 330b amp (w/ bryston for the woofers), and speakers and it was a very compelling. The sound was full an warm with great detail. The presentation was slightly on the dull side for my ears, but the system was using cardas g. ref cables and I thought with valhalla it just might be perfect.

I agree with Wrtickle. I heard the whole system at CES, and it sounded seriously good.
The Aurum CD player appears to have been derived from a combination of technology seen in the Orpheus Labs and Audio Aero products.
However, it can't use the patented STARS process that Audio Aero uses, so it does not quite measure-up to that standard. It can be easily heard, partcularly in the higher frequencies,detail and over-all musicality.
It is understandable that one manufacturer can not use others patented processor but reviews in the Ultra Audio, AIG and Secrets of Home Theater & high Fidelity are quite indicative of superlative performance of the Integris CDP. However, I am looking forward to the users comments.

Have you compared the Capitole Reference & Integris side by side?