Pairing MA 5300 with Large Advents for 900 sq ft apartment?

After 30 years living in a house on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, I'm moving to a 1 BR apartment in Astoria NY. It's 900 sq ft, with a large living room (about 20 by 30) and I want to equip it with a good audio system.  

I have Large Advent speakers, Canton small Karat 30 speakers and McIntosh L320 speakers in my MD house.  

Wondering which to take?  


So I decided to take the LS340 McIntosh speakers to pair with the MA 5300. But the cables I have are missing a couple of banana clips from the previous owner who had an older Mc integrated amp and some long 30ft cables.

Where can I get replacement banana clips?

Or should I get new speaker cables for the MA 5300 since the distance between the amp and the speakers will be much less in the apartment?

Speaker cables are an endless debate…I would get new shorter cables. Anything from Mogami, Blue Jeans Cable, and on up depending on what you like and want to spend…
@jl35 Thanks. Wonder if they can be purchased in the NY area, or will I have to order them on-line?  
I think Blue Jeans is online only. But on Amazon they come with feee returns.