The first system you had that was "high end/audiophile", by you standards

I did have some others before, but the first system that hooked me on this passion/hobby and would still be pretty good today was:

Stacked Large Walnut Advents, with the top ones upside down so the tweeters were close together,
Yamaha CA-1000 integrated (usually run in the class A mode)
Yamaha top end direct drive turntable (YP-800?) with ADC XLM II cartridge 
Yamaha CT-7000 tuner
Early Monster interconnects and speaker cables 
Advent cassette deck
Teac reel to reel with 10" reels (model ?)

The first thing(s) that were replaced was the Large Advents that gave way to a pair of 
Dahlquist DQ-10.

From that system I have gone on to several others that I have enjoyed, but I do remember that first one.

Around 1982

Technics SL-1600MKII turntable
Pioneer PL1000 turntable
Rodec SM200  Mixer
Pioneer SPEC-4 power amp
Soundcraftsman SP4001 EQ/pre amp
Teac X10R R2R
dbx 224 Type II noise reduction unit
dbx 3bx dynamic range expander
Original Bose 901 speakers with chrome stands

Over the past three years, I've given it all away except the R2R and dbx components

@tomic601 - yep, there was that ARC v. C-J what sound are you after. I didn't keep up with C-J; met Bill Thalmann years later as an independent. The ARC stuff changed several times- they had that "analog module" or whatever it was called (one of the times I got to meet Wm. Z) and they went into their "white period" at a certain point-- sort of bleached, dry, more analytical. I don't really keep up with ARC either. I did buy a stash of parts, including tubes, for my ancient Dual 75a (which I am the first owner of, still have the warranty card and price list) before the company got sold the first time. 
The history of audio equipment is itself sort of a field of endeavor. I think I mentioned I was chatting with a designer of that Quintessence, and he built crossovers for ESS back in the day, and is still designing and making equipment. 
I did get to meet Peter Walker many years ago- he was pleasant, but I didn't rattle his cage. So much history, and I only know the obvious stuff. 
Somebody I knew at the gym had a pair of Dayton-Wright electrostatic in non-working condition. Go figure!
I'll bet even 1/2 a Concert Grand could kick ass.

Naim Nait (1st iteration)
Rega 3 Sumiko Blue Point
Pro Ac Tablettes (original version)
  • Vandersteen 2C (1985)
  • NAD Receiver (don’t remember the model)
  • CJ Walker Turntable w/Linn LVX Arm and Grado cartridge
tube research labs gt 400s, sound lab a1s, Golden triode pre, oracle premier mk 2, dynavector arm, arc ph3se, Paul's cables,  I sure do miss that man!