Ayre-cx-7eMP vs. Naim CD5SI Player

Hello folks, I’m getting a new Naim Supernait 3 and I have an Ayre-cx-7eMP player. Good shape and Ayre states will be able to be serviced in the future if necessary. I like the player and the performance. I’m looking for input on compatibility from you, the Audiogon family. In your opinion, will the Naim CD5SI with DIN connections, high quality manufacturering with a newer DAC equal or surpass the performance of the Ayre technology from 2009?

Naim dealers are encouraging me to keep the Naim synergy. Cabling is another issue but I have been informed by several dealers that the newer Naim circuitry has made it easier for cable matching. We can discuss cable matching and preferences further in the thread but for starters let’s discuss the differences in the two players.

The Ayre has been very good in my system. Prior to now it was mated to the Ayre K-5xeMP so that synergy was perfect. I have read much literature, seen many videos and spoken to Ayre about the performance of the Cx-7eMP. Ayre loves to talk to their customers. Big plus for Ayre - the separate power supplies for digital and analog sections. Fully balanced however I understand the Supernait 3 converts it’s signals to balanced as well. So I’m looking for your guidance, please.

Speakers are Totem Forest Signatures.


Hello everyone - I’ve made some changes in my system. Nothing is set up yet.
I received my Supernait 3 today. I haven’t set it up yet. I only made sure it powered up and all the accessories were present. With the help of the community I decided against the Naim CD5SI player. It offered zero upgrades and word in the street it wasn’t the best sonically.

Instead I purchased the Naim DAC. I received it today as well. 1990 addition fully remanufactured and updated firmware to handle 192/24 files. I sold my Ayre-cx-7eMP as it only offered 2 digital outputs. It was also showing wear as it was a 2008 player. The oppo is only 3 years old and has a plethora of inputs, outputs, HDMI and on screen gravenote.

My friends at AV Options sent me a free Canare Digital link cryogenicly treated - in addition they sent a Tibia 5 foot cryogenicly treated power cord. I bought a DIN> DIN cord for the DAC The Supernait 3 from them. Still figuring out analog cables. I’m getting a lot of people on the Naim Blog telling me to use Naim speaker cables. However Naim gave me the green light to use the Wireworld. Going to do a shootout!

Better Power cords next, maybe. Then ultimately power supplies.


big fun ;-) enjoy the music and the journey..let us know how it all comes together