Aqua hifi La Voce s3.....anyone audition it yet?

I am considering this dac but would love to hear people’s impressions of it. 
How does it compare to the s2 or the la scala Optologic?

Neither of the versions sound clinical etc…. both are superbly musical and never even verge on the side of analytical, thin and hyper detailed. The newer version is just more real sounding and not as murky.
I agree with grannyring as I have owned both versions of the La Voce.  The S3 upgrade is worth every penny.  If you haven't read Dave Abramson's review of the S3 as opposed to the S2 and the PSA Directstream after he got his back from the upgrade. 
Old thread, but if you’re considering the S3, it’s excellent. I loved my MHDT Labs Orchid, but the S3 was a big step up, more detail, lots of body, better imaging and soundstage, but very "musical". Nothing "clinical" about it.