OK, so I have to ask. Is this real, or is this a joke?

This is plastered several times on the Audiogon home page: "High Fidelity Cables NPS-1260 3D Enhancer 1.5ml" for $349. Am I late to the April fool’s party?   How much for a gallon?
This stuff may well work, but I have an ethical/moral objection to anyone trying to make a 1,000% or more profit so will not be buying it.
I've applied the nps-1260 to two runs of unbalanced interconnects, one run of speaker cables, and two power cords. It works. I'll be doing fuses next.

It's exasperating to hear comments from people on this forum who haven't tried a product but still think they can have a useful opinion about it. 

Back to what the nps did. No veils were lifted, I didn't see deeper into the music. None of the usual rave cliches apply. But it has been a clear incremental improvement and worth the price if you have that amount of fun money lying around. 

I had been using Perfect Path paste before this and thought highly of it. I have to say that what I'm hearing now with nps has been an improvement over the PP contact enhancer.

What I heard was cleaner bass with more natural overtones (my speakers go down to 37 Hz. I'm hearing a better 37). The sound stage is slightly expanded. The biggest difference I've found has to do with the mix within the sound stage. Music sounds less congealed, more open, with individual instruments positioned more clearly. I'm happier with that. 

I'd say it's a fool's errand to look for earth-shaking improvements from a single product. Products like that don't exist. But as obvious but incremental improvements go -- and that is all I look for – the nps was worth it.

dill1,571 posts08-20-2021 8:24am" Actually, for most of us, the analogy is spot on."

Again, you are making an assumption."

Yeah, you're right.  The enthusiastic fit apparently got the better of me.  For MOST OF US, Read:  MANY OF US.   I'm guessing (assuming) that many readers here don't have the financial resources or patience to evaluate every recommended tweak in their systems, and have to toss out those that don't seem to make sense.

OK kudelka8, convince us that it works and do not tell us that somehow it sounds better. We have absolutely no way to control your hearing at a distance. Show us some data demonstrating improved conductivity. lower noise, something. Your ears are extremely poor test devices. They are weak and extremely inaccurate just like most of us. If you can hear it then a test device can pick it up. 

When you see stuff like this, obviously priced ridiculously the makers know it does not work. They are trying to get as much money out of it quickly. Something that really works will eventually sell in the boat loads making more profit at lower retail prices. You would want people to buy it to spread the word. To do that you would never price it like this. You would wait till everyone is hooked on it then raise prices. 

jdane, Thanx for the support.
So bizarre. The music sounds better to me, and I know my music intimately. Various tracks and albums that I have been listening to for decades and that I've used to test my system for years sound better in clear and describable ways now that I have applied the nps. I don't have to "bench" my ears to know that what I'm hearing sounds both different and better. 

When people come out negative on new products without testing them, it almost always comes back around to price. If it costs too much for you to try it, then don't.