Vandersteen Model 5 speakers

Are the high pass filters required for use on the older model 5 speakers or can they be used without them?

Absolutely need some sort of high pass, without them damage to the subwoofer is sure to follow. Richard strongly recommends using the Model 5 filters, however you can use the X series filters (commonly used with 2Wq subwoofers), a home made substitute for the X series (what I use), or electronics with the high pass built in (I think Ayre offers that). In addition to damaging the subwoofer I think not using a filter would sound horrible, way too much low end.
I spoke to a dealer and he told me that the damage would be to the mid-range driver as it could not handle the low end and could warp the voice coil.

Pmotz can you send me instrudtions on home made filter to

I purchased an old 1999 pair the other day without the filters. They sounded very good without the filters but I will use them with the filters. As far as replacement drivers, are they common drivers? If so what are they? I won't have the speakers for a week since my buddy picked them up for me and will bring them to me then.